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Psychological antecedents: Promotive/Prohibitive voice

Reference paper:
Liang, J., Farh, C. I. C., & Farh, J. L. (2012). Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice: A two-wave examination. The Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), 55(1), 71–92.

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
Study shows that felt obligation for constructive change was most strongly related to promotive voice and psychological safety to prohibitive voice. Organizaton-based self-esteem was reciprocally related to promotive voice. Although felt obligation strengthened the positive effect of safety on both forms of voice, self-esteem weakened this effect for promotive voice.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
  • How do consequences of voice (such as performance ratings) differ depending on the contents of voice (such as suggestion, idea or concern)?
  • How do antecedents of voice (such as LMX) influence voice behavior depending on the contents of voice (such as suggestion, idea or concern)?
  • How do availability of and different kinds of formal and informal mechanisms for voice relate to psychological safety and voice behavior?
  • How is vision/mission/value congruence related to psychological factors (such as felt obligation for constructive change) and voice behavior?
  • How do leadership styles (charismatic, transformational and ethical) and behaviors influence pyshcological factors (felt obligation for constructive change, psychological safety and self-esteem)?
  • Is felt obligation for constructive change a normative commitment ('ought to')? How do other organizational commitments -affective commitment ('desire to') and continuance commitment ('need to') - influence promotive and prohibitive voice behaviors?
  • What organizational outcomes are closely related to Promotive vs Prohbitibe voice? (For ex - is promotive voice more closely related to innovation, while prohibitive voice more closely related to efficiency, quality and cost reduction);
  • Are certain employee personality traits more inclined towards promotive vs prohibitive voice? For ex - are more agreeable individuals less prone to voice 'concerns'?
  • Are certain managerial personality traits more receptive towards promotive voice as against prohibitive voice? For ex - those high on openness to experience (inventive types) may be more receptive to promotive voice and those low on openness to experience (cautious types) are perhaps more receptive to prohibitive voice;
  • Are organizational stages (such as startup, growth and maturity) more receptive towards one type of voice over the other?