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Attitudinal and dispositional predictors of OCB

Reference paper:
Organ, D. W., & Ryan, K. (1995). A Meta-Analttic Review Of Attitudinal And Dispositional Predictors Of Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Personnel psychology, 48(4), 775–802.

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
Study shows that job attitudes are robust predictors of OCB, relationship of satisfaction is stronger with OCB compared to in-role performance, dispositions do not correlate as well, self-ratings is a notable moderator of these correlations, and that differences in work settings and subject groups do not account for much variance.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
Job types
  • How do OCBs vary with the managerial and nonmanagerial jobs? In particular, how do task or role perceptions (such as the degree of technical, administrative and leadership activities involved) relate to OCBs? What OCBs affect job performance ratings more when the job is perceived to be of more managerial in nature? More broadly, how does contextual performance (or OCBs) affect overall performance ratings in comparison to task performance for managerial vs nonmanagerial jobs?

  • How do dispositions of target (peer or supervisor) influence the OCB behaviors of a focal employee? For example - if the target is low on openness to experience, are they less receptive to ideas or suggestions from the focal employee?
  • Do dispositions of the focal employee interplay with that of target to affect OCBs?

  • What group level factors (such as homogeneity, socio-technical arrangements, methods of governance, reward systems and group stage) affect intra-group and inter-group OCBs? What contextual factors influence inter-group OCBs?
  • How does this inter-group OCB influence intra-group OCB? For example - consider a group that is perceived by rest of the organization to be high on helping behavior. Given this perception, do the group members exhibit high levels of OCBs within the group?

  • What consequences other than performance ratings (such as informal status, leadership, differential LMX, overload, etc) accrue to individuals high on OCBs?

Empirical evidence
  • Are there any empirical evidence for relation of self-report of OCBs to perceived fairness? For example - is there support to the assertion that when perceived fairness is low (such as when low performance ratings by supervisor is perceived to be unfair by the employee), self-reported OCBs is more likely to be overstated? Alternatively, is there support for the assertion that when perceived fairness is high, employees over attribute contribution of OCBs to performance? In particular, how does cognitive dissonance affect self-reporting of OCBs?
  • What are some empirical studies that look at OCB as a group-level phenomenon?
  • Are there any empirical evidence for OCBs relation to organizational effectiveness?

  • Is mentoring (as an extra-role) an OCB behavior? If so, to what existing OCB construct is it closely related to? What are the antecedents, nature and consequences of the mentoring behavior?