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Criterion domain of OCB

Reference paper:
Hoffman, B. J., Blair, C. A., Meriac, J. P., & Woehr, D. J. (2007). Expanding the Criterion Domain? A Quantitative Review of the OCB Literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(2), 555–566.

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
This meta-analytic review, using confirmatory factor analysis, supports a) a single factor model of OCB that is distinct from, yet strongly related to task performance; b) that OCB consistently relates more strongly than task performance to attitudes, and shares modest amount of variance with attitudinal correlates beyond task performance.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
Task performance
  • Is task performance a multi-dimensional construct? If so, what is the pattern of relationship between these dimensions and OCB? Do these dimensions moderate the OCB-Task performance relationship?

  • Why is OCB viewed as latent construct, as opposed to aggregate construct, in this study?
  • What are the theoretical implications of common etic and culture-specific emic dimensions of OCB? How do these emic dimensions correlate with task performance and attitudes? Farh et al (1997) proposed that two emic dimensions - interpersonal harmony and protecting company resources - were theoretically distinct for Chinese and could be attributed to familial collectivistic norms of Chinese culture; Similar to this are there emic dimensions of OCB specific to Indian culture?

Level of analysis
  • How does level of analysis (such as group/unit) affect the construct validity of OCB-Task performance distinctiveness? In particular, how is unit-level OCB related to group performance (objective and subjective measures)? Does this relationship depend on how unit-level OCB is defined as? For example, Stefanie Naumann and Mark Ehrhart (2005) discuss three ways of conceptualizing and measuring unit-level OCB based on the work of Chan (1998) - additive model, direct consensus model and referent-shift consensus model.

Rating source
  • How does rating source and/or rating process affect the construct validity of OCB-Task performance distinctiveness? A study by Vandenberg et al (2005) showed that rating sources (self, supervisor, subordinate) do not interpret OCB items relative to same latent OCB structure, thus supporting social perception perspective (Borman, 1974).