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OCB and outcomes: Meta-analysis

Reference paper:
Podsakoff, N. P., Whiting, S. W., Podsakoff, P. M., & Blume, B. D. (2009). Individual- and organizational-level consequences of organizational citizenship behaviors: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(1), 122–141. doi:10.1037/a0013079

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
This metaanalytic study finds that OCBs are related to individual-level outcomes (positively related to performance ratings, reward allocation decisions, and negatively to employee turnover intentions, actual turnover and absenteeism) and to organizational-level outcomes (positively related to productivity, efficiency, profitability, customer satisfaction, and negatively to costs and unit-level turnover).

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
  • How are OCB-O and OCB-I related to organizational and individual level outcomes? Do they moderate the relationship between OCB and outcomes? For example - does the manager pay more attention to OCBOs as compared to OCBIs in general? How about OCBIs targeted at the manager?
  • How does manager's OCB characteristics (such as attitude, motivations, incidence levels and perception of utility) affect employees' OCB? Also, how does manager's performance rating attributable to self-OCB affect his perception towards OCB of his subordinates?

Contextual factors
  • What factors (such as supervisor liking, perceptions of employee organizational commitment, task interdependence, target of citizenship behavior, nature of organizational compensation system and type of industry) moderate and mediate the effect of OCBs on individual and unit-level outcomes?
  • How does cross-culture context influence relationship between OCBs and their consequences?
  • How does the nature of the organization (product or service) affect the OCB-outcome relationship?
  • How does impression management affect OCB and outcomes (individual and organizational)?

  • What constitutes 'effective functioning of organization' as referred to by Organ? Is there an overarching 'organizational effectiveness' construct? What are the dimensions of this construct? How different is this construct from 'organizational performance' construct? (Richard et al, 2009)
  • How does OCB affect non-financial organizational performance outcomes (such as brand equity, corporate social responsibility, etc)?
  • What are other individual (opportunities for advanced training, amount of latitude or autonomy in deciding how to perform work, who gets laid off in bad times, leadership opportunities and morale) and organizational level (such as creativity, quality metrics, safety-related outcomes, customer retention) outcomes of OCB?
  • How does OCB affect job satisfaction? While the significant relation between OCB and job satisfaction is known, are there any empirical studies providing insights on the direction of causality between the two variables?
  • What are the possible dysfunctional consequences of OCB (such as role overload, stress and work-family conflicts)? Are there any empirical studies on this?
  • How does nature of OCBs (affiliative vs challenging) affect outcomes (individual and organizational)?

Counterproductive work behaviors
  • How are OCBs and CWBs related? Are these distinct constructs or are they located at different points on a single continuum (i.e. high levels of one implies low levels of the other)?
  • How does recency of perceived CWB affect impact of OCB on individual level outcomes?
  • Do task performance, OCBs and CWBs constitute the full gamut of components that are accounted for in measuring job performance? If not, what other components affect job performance ratings?

Task performance
  • In comparison to task performance is OCB more volitional in nature?
  • What factors moderate the OCB's relative effect on individual level outcomes vis-a-vis that of task performance? For example, in certain job types does task performance have a stronger effect than OCBs on performance evaluations?
  • What factors moderate the OCB's relative effect on organizational level outcomes vis-a-vis that of task performance? For example, in certain roles does task performance have a stronger effect than OCBs on customer satisfaction?

Propensity to exhibit OCBs
  • How does one identify individual's propensity to exhibit OCBs?