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Number of daily cigarette smokers in India: 29.2 million;
Number of daily bidi smokers in India: 59.4 million;
Average monthly expenditure on cigarette by a daily smoker: Rs 399;
Average monthly expenditure on bidi by a daily smoker: Rs 93.4;
(Source: Global Adult Tobacco Survey, India, 2009-10)
Donation amount enough to feed a child for entire year: Rs 675;
(Source: NGO in India – Food for Children | Feeding 1.3 million Children – Akshaya Patra. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2012, from
The Rockefeller Foundation annual giving: $139.4 million;
(Source: Foundation Center - Top 100 US Foundations by Total Giving. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2012, from
Number of children in India: 400 million;
Percentage of India children in absolute poverty: 60%;
(Source: BBC NEWS | South Asia | “Half Asian children” in poverty. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2012, from