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Variance on power dimensions

Below is a list of dimensions related to power on which I think the group members might vary -
  • Bases of power (or source of power);
  • Need for power (or power motive);
  • Sense of power (or self-perceptions of power);
  • Use of power (or actual power);
  • Willingness to use power (or influence): According to Anderson and Spataro (2005), perceived capacity to influence others and willingness to influence others are not highly correlated;
  • Perceived power consistency: This could be defined as the extent to which an individual has a similar sense of power within and outside the group contexts;
  • Plasticity of sense of power: As Anderson & Spataro (2005) suggested this could be defined as the flexibility of self-perceptions of power:
    • from one context to another; or
    • across time within the same context;
  • Perceptions of other members’ power: This could be defined as the perceived capacity of a focal member of the group to influence self or other group members. However, not sure whether this is orthogonal to sense of power (as greater sense of power implies lesser dependency on others, and hence lesser power of others);
  • Perceived power of group: This could be defined as the perceived capacity of the group as a whole to influence others (such as clients) or to influence the members within the group;
  • Perceptual accuracy (overestimation/underestimation) of:
    • Sense of power;
    • Other members’ power;