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Group voice climate

Reference paper:
Morrison, E. W., Wheeler-Smith, S. L., & Kamdar, D. (2011). Speaking up in groups: A cross-level study of group voice climate and voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(1), 183–191. doi:10.1037/a0020744

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
The study demonstrates that group voice climate was highly predictive of voice and explained variance beyond individual attitudes (satisfaction and identification) and procedural justice climate. The effect of identification on voice was stronger in groups with favorable voice climates. However there was no interaction between group voice climate and satisfaction.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
  • How do group-level voice beliefs develop?
  • How do leadership style and leadership behaviors shape group-level beliefs?
  • How do salient events in group history and vicarious learning shape group-level beliefs?
  • How does group structure influence collective sensemaking and thereby group-level voice beliefs? (For ex - the group structure could be such that there are limited day-to-day social interactions within the group. In this case how do group-level beliefs develop? What influence would these have on individual voice behavior?)
  • What shared beliefs other than safety and efficacy of voice are held by groups/individuals? (For ex - what about the additional dimension of 'perceived impact of inputs'? Despite perceived high safety and efficacy, employee/group's voice behavior may still be moderated by perceived impact of acted upon inputs on the organization/collective/self)
  • Do the findings in this study that group voice climate is highly predictive of voice apply to both promotive and prohibitive voice?
  • Can the findings be generalized to both 'voice to supervisors' and 'voice to fellow work-group members'?
  • How do group-level beliefs interplay with other contextual factors (such as relationship with supervisors, organizational culture, and skip-level leadership) in influencing voice behavior?
  • How can group-level beliefs be influenced by organization or supervisor?
  • Do group level voice beliefs shape individual attitude towards voice behavior?
  • How do group-level normative voice beliefs shape subjective group norms of speaking up? How do group beliefs and group norms interplay to eventually influence voice behavior? For ex - the group might believe in the importance of high voice behavior, but may not be motivated enough to speak up. In such a context how will group-level norms interplay with group-level beliefs in shaping individual's voice behavior? (Ref: Theory of planned behavior)
  • How does individual's implicit voice theories interplay with group-level beliefs?
  • Do some individual's/collective's deep rooted socially acquired beliefs endure even in the face of contradictory evidence?
  • Are there group-level voice beliefs peculiar to national cultures?