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Masculine/feminine cultures and voice

Reference paper:
Van den Bos, K., Brockner, J., Stein, J. H., Steiner, D. D., Van Yperen, N. W., & Dekker, D. M. (2010). The psychology of voice and performance capabilities in masculine and feminine cultures and contexts. Journal of personality and social psychology, 99(4), 638.

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
In masculine cultures, or contexts that emphasize competitive achievement, high performers feel empowered to provide inputs to decision-making and hence desire voice opportunities. But, in feminine cultures, or contexts that value nurturing low-performers, low-performers feel valued and worthy of receiving voice, and hence will appreciate voice opportunities in decision making.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
  • How would the cultural context (feminine and masculine), performance capability(low and high) and voice episode (presence or absence), interact with attitudinal/behavioral voice response measures other than 'satisfaction' used here? (such as perceived justice or willingness to support)
  • What counter influence, if any, would the decision outcomes have on the individual's voice response, in particular satisfaction? Consider a case of feminine cultural setting, with no countercultural values emphasized. Let us assume that an individual, with low performing capabilities, but who believes he/she has meaningful/useful inputs to the decision making, was denied voice in decision making. Now, in the case where the eventual decision outcomes are in line with the inputs the individual was keen to voice, would his/her satisfaction be high instead of low? What about other voice response behaviors in this situation (such as procedural fairness and willingness to cooperate)?
  • While this study focuses on moderating effects of culture (masculine/feminine) on voice/no-voice condition in decision making, could these cultural types similarly influence voice behavior (voice in the broader sense of discretionary communication of ideas, suggestions, concerns, or opinions about work-related issues with the intent to improve organizational or unit functioning)?
  • What relation, if any, specific cultures (masculine/ feminine) and context (achievement oriented/nurturing oriented) have with specific types of voice behaviors - prohibitive vs promotive?