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Psychological detachment and voice

Reference paper:
Burris, E. R., Detert, J. R., & Chiaburu, D. S. (2008). Quitting before leaving: The mediating effects of psychological attachment and detachment on voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(4), 912.

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
Psychological detachment (as measured by intention to leave) is significantly related to voice and mediates relationships between the perceptions of leadership (LMX and Abusive Supervision) and voice to superiors. Whereas psychological attachment (as measured by affective commitment) is neither a predictor of voice nor a mediator of leadership-voice relationships.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
  • How is low LMX related to "Voice to superiors" as against "Voice to organization" and "Voice to peers"?
  • Why is psychological attachment not necessarily a predictor of voice?
  • How does perceived LMX quality between one's Leader and his/her Superior relate to one's Voice? Can that moderate the spillover of feelings from the leader to organization?
  • How is availability or lack of channels for speaking up (for ex - working councils) related to employee voice behavior?