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Voice and cooperative behavior

Reference paper:
LePine, J. A., & Van Dyne, L. (2001). Voice and Cooperative Behavior as Contrasting Forms of Contextual Performance: Evidence of Differential Relationships With Big Five Personality Characteristics and Cognitive Ability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(2), 326–336. doi:10.1037//0021-9010.86.2.326

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
Study finds that conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness are more strongly related to contextual performance (cooperative and voice behaviors) than to task performance, whereas cognitive ability more strongly related to task performance. By demonstrating agreeableness' positive relationship with cooperative behavior, and negative relationship with voice, study suggests bidirectional relationships with personality.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
  • How does personality of voice target influence voice behavior of others? Would supervisor/peer's Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Agreeableness be positively related to individual's voice behavior, whereas Neuoriticism negatively related? In particular, how do the personalities of voice target and individual interplay with each other in influencing voice behavior of the latter? For ex- how does voice behavior manifest between a voice target who is low on openness and an individual who is low on neuroticism?
  • How does cognitive ability of supervisor/peer influence individual's voice behavior? For ex- a supervisor/peer with poor cognitive ability may falter in assessing the utility of suggestions and ideas, and there by discourage voice behavior.
  • How would the voice of individuals with low cognitive ability relate to individual and collective outcomes?
  • How do group stages influence contextual performance? In particular are there distinct patterns of cooperatove behaviors and change-oriented behaviors specific to group stage or group tenure?
  • How does computer mediated communication influence voice behavior?