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Voice behavior in work groups

Reference paper:
LePine, J. A., & Van Dyne, L. (1998). Predicting Voice Behavior in Work Groups. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(6), 853–868.

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
Study examined voice behavior as function of person-centered (global self-esteem, satisfaction with group) and situational factors (group size, style of management - self vs. traditional), and suggests that individuals with low self-esteem or high satisfaction will be more responsive to situational factors than individuals with high self-esteem or low satisfaction.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
  • Could group membership influence self-esteem? Does the group identification affect degree to which the individuals in the group believe they are capable, significant, successful and worthy, and thereby affect their positive self-worth? If so, in the current study, are the two constructs - satisfaction with the group and global self-esteem - related?
  • How do group norms/beliefs and individual's implicit voice theories interplay with the personal characteristics and other situational factors in influencing voice behavior?
  • How do other antecedents (such as psychological ownership, need for achievement, environmental dynamism and justice perceptions) contribute to predictions of voice?
  • Do 'ability to engage in voice' and 'efficacy to engage in voice' mediate the influence of personal and situational constructs on voice behaviors? Or do the contextual factors influence individual's ability and efficacy to engage in voice?
  • How does the influence of personal characteristics and situation factors on voice behavior interplay with group stages (forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning)? In particular would the voice message type be distinct in phases? For ex: in self-managed smaller groups, with personal characteristics controlled, would prohibitive voice be significant in storming phase and promotive voice significant in performing phase?
  • How do outcomes of voice (such as performance) influence future voice behavior?
  • How do satisfaction with other specific aspects of work situation (like the quality of relationship with supervisor) influence voice behavior?