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Personality traits and OCB

Reference paper:
Chiaburu, D. S., Oh, I.-S., Berry, C. M., Li, N., & Gardner, R. G. (2011). The Five-Factor Model of Personality Traits and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(6), 1140–1166. doi:10.1037/a0024004

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
Study found that - a) Emotional stability, Extraversion and Openness have incremental validity for OCB, beyond Conscientiousness and Agreeableness; b) FFM traits predicted OCBs, beyond satisfaction; c)Conscientiousness, Emotional stability and Extraversion have similar magnitudes of relationship with OCB and task performance, whereas Openness and Agreeableness have stronger relationships with OCB.

Quick Notes/queries:
(For my further delving)
FFM traits
  • How is agreeableness related to change-oriented OCBs?
  • How do personality traits of individuals influence the OCB-I's directed at them?
  • How do personality traits correlate with each other in influencing the OCBs? For example, consider an individual high on Openness to experience and low on Emotional stability. How does such a personality trait combination influence his OCB? Is he likely to not engage in change-oriented behaviors owing to his inability to cope with pressures, or due to his tendency to panic in difficult situations?
  • How do personality traits affect the tactics/strategy that an individual adopts in enhancing the efficacy of OCBs? For example, are individuals low on extraversion more likely to adopt a particular style of speaking up as compared to those high on extraversion?
  • When are the effects of personality traits more salient on OCBs?

Other personality traits
  • How do core self-evaluations (CSE) consisting of 4 dimensions (self-esteem, self-efficacy, neuroticism and locus of control) relate to OCBs?
  • How do positive and negative affects relate to OCBs?
  • How does employee's motivational trait (Soon Ang et al, 2005) relate to OCBs?

Trait facets
  • How do facets of personality relate to various OCBs?

  • What type of OCB (OCB-I, OCB-O or OCB-CH) does self-development (George and Brief, 1992) fall under?
  • How are job attitudinal factors (other than job satisfaction such as commitment, perceived fairness, perceived leadership support) intercorrelated with personality traits in influencing OCBs? Are some attitudes substantially dispositional in nature?
  • How are employee's knowledge, skills and abilities related to OCBs? By what mechanisms (such as a partial pathway through motivation) do these affect OCBs?