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Work Life Interference

Reference paper:
Keeney, J., Boyd, E. M., Sinha, R., Westring, A. J., & Ryan, A. M. (2013). From “Work-family” to “Work-life”: Broadening Our Conceptualization and Measurement. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

(A 50-word quick summary from my understanding)
The paper moves beyond 'work-family conflict' by conceptualizing interference of 'work with life'. The work- interference-with-life (WIF), defined as difficulty in participating in non-work domains by virtue of participating in the work domain, was measured using eight life domains and based on two forms of interference: time-based and strain-based.

Quick Notes/queries:
  • This paper focuses on one direction of interference (work to life) as that has been found to be stronger. While family boundary is more permeable than work boundary, what does research indicate about the permeability of other life domains (such as health) in relation to work domain?
  • The authors state that the importance of a domain is factored into individual's judgement of work interference with that domain, and hence it is redundant to measure the weights attached to life domains. While greater the weight one attributes to a particular life domain, the greater the likelihood of the work interference perceived on that domain, is there not any utility in measuring the weights separately? For example, consider an employee for whom the health domain is less important. Though he/she might indicate a lesser perceived work interference on health, the objective measures might indicate otherwise.
  • Has there been any studies on the relationship between personality and WIF (any dimension of life other than family)? Similarly, any research on organizational identification and WIF?
  • Similar to work-family facilitation and work-family enrichment constructs, can other concepts be defined in terms of work-life?
  • How do work-family conflict, work-family facilitation and work-family enrichment concepts relate to each other? Are they orthogonal constructs?
  • How about breaking work domain similar to life domains? For example, an employee who engages in high levels of OCB may have built a social network that positively influences certain life domains.
  • How does behavioral-based interference influence WIL? For example, a work context that requires an individual to use high levels of impression management may lead him/her to adapt such behaviors in life context, which may in turn negatively affect his/her social relationships outside work domain.
  • Has there been any research on WIL in informal economy?

For further reading
  • Allen Tammy D (2012),The Work and Family Interface.Work-family.The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Psychology, Volume 2.